
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

over the weekend

I shared another lovely weekend with wonderful friends and family. Since I'm not really good with words, here some great photos instead. 


I started the weekend off with my beautiful girlfriends at the Austin Fashion Week kick-off party: Beauty Goes Red benefiting the American Heart Association. 

So that night led to way too many shots, which led me to a not so fun hangover on Saturday morning. But luckily I have the best hubs in the whole wide world and one rad new bff guy friend (he and hubs are bff so it's ok). But they don't like to see me in self-induced pain so they made a Torchy's taco run and came back with my favorite Girl Scout Cookies for 'dessert'! They're the bestest!

Saturday night we went to our, get this one, GREAT Niece's 4th princess birthday party! Yes I am a Great Aunt...thanks Ash! ;-) 

She loved our Tinkerbell and Fairy Friends costume we got for her. 

I just love these tender moments between proud Momma and her happy sweet baby girl. 

Then SUNday SUNDAY SUNDAYYY! Super Bowl Sunday! We had a little get together at our Casita. 
I made these Pinterest inspired football rice crispie treats. 

John enjoying his new furgirlfriend, Chloe. Isn't she adorbale! 

We had fun and games after the Madonna half time show!

AND my favorite part of the night our post Super Bowl, PreGame-ing for Keystone!

Remeber kids, safety 1st!

Another super weekend for the books blog,

1 comment:

  1. Super Fun pictures!! (Thanks for posting the pictures from BrynnLee's birthday party!) BrynnLee does in fact LOVE that little costume. She has decided that she is "that friend" (the one who wears the outfit you got her) of Tinkerbelles. Upon further research, we have found out that "that friend" is the one with attitude. Sooo fitting! :) Thanks again! :)
